This script helps you validate your form data before submission as shown.
To understand how this script works, check the following video tutorial:
To get started, follow these steps:
1. Add the following CSS in your form CSS section, notice this css contains two classes ‘no-validation’ and ‘yes-validation’ you can add your custom styles for the form button when validation is true for all elements or is not:
.success {background-color: #d4edda;border-color: #c3e6cb;}.bad {background-color: #f8d7da;border-color: #f5c6cb;} .no-validation {cursor: not-allowed;} .yes-validation { cursor:pointer; }
- 2. After you have added the custom CSS to your form, copy the following script to a custom script element on your form.
- 3. Make sure you change the values of object keys in the validationConfig array as
- 1. name: Provide query_key value of the input. If you do not want to validate a certain field just don’t add it to this array.
- 2. action: Two events are supported and should be passed to this key i.e. “blur” and “keyup”.
- 3. err_msg: You must provide an error message if a regex test fails.
- 4.regex: You must provide a valid regex here. an example could be /^([0-9]{1,2})(.|-|\/)([0-9]{1,2})(.|-|\/)([0-9]{4})$/ notice this regex must be enclosed in slashes “/”. This particular regex validates a valid date in mm.dd.yyyy, mm-dd-yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy. Regex cannot be enclosed in quotes.
- 4. You can add as many objects as you wish in this array.
Copy the following script to the custom HTML block on your form
<script src=""></script> <script> var surveyButtonBehavior = "disable"; // can be set to "hide" as well var validationConfig = [ { name: "pXszRaLIuRfXxBpzpBCl", action: "blur", err_msg: "Double check the system size entered and ensure you have entered the whole number in terms of Watts.", regex: /^\d+$/, }, ]; /**Execute main script **/ //Global vars var showNextButton = false; var validStatus = []; function validate(element, pattern, error_msg) { var parent = element.parent(); var error = parent.find(".error-message").first(); if (pattern.test(element.val())) { element.removeClass("bad"); element.addClass("success"); error.html(""); return true; } else { element.removeClass("success"); element.addClass("bad"); error.html(error_msg); return false; } } //function to toggle next/submit button based on input values function showNext() { var vcount = validationConfig.length; var acount = 0; validationConfig.forEach(function (entry) { var name = fixName(; if (validStatus[name] === true) acount++; }); if (acount == vcount) showNextButton = true; else showNextButton = false; if (showNextButton) { $(".btn-dark").show(); if (surveyButtonBehavior == "disable") $(".ghl-button, .ghl-next-button, .ghl-mobile-next").attr( "disabled", false ); if (surveyButtonBehavior == "hide") $(".ghl-button, .ghl-next-button, .ghl-mobile-next").show(); //$(".btn-dark").removeClass('no-validation'); //$(".btn-dark").addClass('yes-validation'); //$(".btn-dark").removeAttr('disabled'); //$(".btn-dark").css("filter","brightness(100%)"); } else { $(".btn-dark").hide(); if (surveyButtonBehavior == "disable") $(".ghl-button, .ghl-next-button, .ghl-mobile-next").attr( "disabled", true ); if (surveyButtonBehavior == "hide") $(".ghl-button, .ghl-next-button, .ghl-mobile-next").hide(); //$(".btn-dark").addClass('no-validation'); //$(".btn-dark").removeClass('yes-validation'); //$(".btn-dark").attr('disabled','true'); //$(".btn-dark").css("filter","brightness(50%)"); } } function fixName(query_key) { value = query_key; if ( !== undefined) { (slide) { slide.slideData.forEach(function (sdata) { if ( sdata.fieldKey !== undefined && sdata.fieldKey === "contact." + query_key ) value =; if ( sdata.hiddenFieldQueryKey !== undefined && sdata.hiddenFieldQueryKey === query_key ) value =; }); }); } else { var nuxtFields =; nuxtFields.forEach(function (field) { if ( field.fieldKey !== undefined && field.fieldKey == "contact." + query_key ) value =; }); } return value; } //document load event $(document).ready(function () { //ensure button is hidden showNext(); //loop through config array of objects. validationConfig.forEach(function (entry) { var element_name = fixName(; var element = $('input[name="' + element_name + '"]'); var parent = element.parent(); parent.append("<div class='error-message'></div>"); //if config for element requires blur action run this code if (entry.action == "blur") { element.blur(function () { //validate and store validation status to an array validStatus[element_name] = validate( element, entry.regex, entry.err_msg ); //update next button status based on currently validated inputs showNext(); }); } //if config for element requires keyup action run this code if (entry.action == "keyup") { element.keyup(function () { //validate and store validation status to an array validStatus[element_name] = validate( element, entry.regex, entry.err_msg ); //update next button status based on currently validated inputs showNext(); }); } }); }); </script>
Few common regex are as follows
Whole Numbers
Decimal Numbers
Whole & Decimal Numbers
Negative, Positive Whole + Decimal Numbers
Whole + Decimal + Fractions
Alphanumeric Characters
Alphanumeric without space
Alphanumeric with space
/^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]*$/
Password Strength
Complex: Should have 1 lowercase letter, 1 uppercase letter, 1 number, 1 special character and be at least 8 characters long
Moderate: Should have 1 lowercase letter, 1 uppercase letter, 1 number, and be at least 8 characters long
Alphanumeric string that may include _ and – having a length of 3 to 16 characters –
Include http(s) Protocol
Protocol Optional
Date Format YYYY-MM-dd using separator -<br>Date Format dd-MM-YYYY using separators - or . or / Date Format dd-mmm-YYYY using separators - or . or /
/* Date Format YYYY-MM-dd */<br>/([12]\d{3}-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01]))/
/* Date Format dd-MM-YYYY or<br>dd.MM.YYYY or<br>dd/MM/YYYY<br>with check for leap year */<br>/^(?:(?:31(\/|-|.)(?:0?[13578]|1[02]))|(?:(?:29|30)(\/|-|.)(?:0?[1,3-9]|1[0-2])))(?:(?:1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)?\d{2})$|^(?:29(\/|-|.)0?2(?:(?:(?:1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)?(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|(?:(?:16|[2468][048]|[3579][26])00))))$|^(?:0?[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8])(\/|-|.)(?:(?:0?[1-9])|(?:1[0-2]))(?:(?:1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)?\d{2})$/
/* Date Format dd-mmm-YYYY or<br>dd/mmm/YYYY or<br>dd.mmm.YYYY */<br>/^(?:(?:31(\/|-|.)(?:0?[13578]|1[02]|(?:Jan|Mar|May|Jul|Aug|Oct|Dec)))|(?:(?:29|30)(\/|-|.)(?:0?[1,3-9]|1[0-2]|(?:Jan|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec))))(?:(?:1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)?\d{2})$|^(?:29(\/|-|.)(?:0?2|(?:Feb))(?:(?:(?:1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)?(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|(?:(?:16|[2468][048]|[3579][26])00))))$|^(?:0?[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8])(\/|-|.)(?:(?:0?[1-9]|(?:Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep))|(?:1[0-2]|(?:Oct|Nov|Dec)))(?:(?:1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)?\d{2})$/
Time Format HH:MM 12-hour, optional leading 0
Time Format HH:MM 12-hour, optional leading 0, Meridiems (AM/PM)
/((1[0-2]|0?[1-9]):([0-5][0-9]) ?([AaPp][Mm]))/
Time Format HH:MM 24-hour with leading 0
Time Format HH:MM 24-hour, optional leading 0
Time Format HH:MM:SS 24-hour
Phone Numbers
International Phone Numbers – with optional country code/extension
/* International Phone Numbers */<br>/^(?:(?:(?(?:00|+)([1-4]\d\d|[1-9]\d?))?)?[-.\ \\/]?)?((?:(?\d{1,})?[-.\ \\/]?){0,})(?:[-.\ \\/]?(?:#|ext.?|extension|x)[-.\ \\/]?(\d+))?$/