Sales Funnel Showdown: Clickfunnels vs. GoHighLevel Review

Today, we’re going to take a deep dive review into two of the leading sales funnel builders…

Clickfunnels and Go High Level

Sales Funnel Showdown

As you probably know, building out a well-designed sales funnel is one of the most effective ways to:

  • Generate new leads
  • Boost engagement
  • Qualify new leads
  • And bring in new sales

But here’s the catch – sales funnels are notoriously difficult to create well…

And they’re only one part of an overall marketing campaign, which means that integrating them as part of a larger strategy can take up a great deal of time and energy.

Or that was the case… until now.

Because demand for quality sales funnels has been soaring through the roof, plenty of software solutions have stepped in to bridge the gap between the painstaking work of building a sales funnel and achieving the success they generate.

So today, we’re going to look at two of the top contenders, Clickfunnels and GoHighLevel, to help you decide which one should be your sales funnel builder of choice.

Clickfunnels and Go High Level Comparison: What Are They?

Now, before we even get started with this sales funnel builder review, let me say that this is truly an apples-to-oranges comparison. While there are similarities between the two services, their approach is radically different and they’re meant for different audiences, as you’ll see soon enough.

But even with that being said, their funnel builders are remarkably similar, so what we’re focusing on today is the value that each provides and whether they’re worth implementing into your marketing workflow or not.

What is Clickfunnels?

What is Clickfunnels?
What is Clickfunnels

Pure and simple, Clickfunnels is a funnel building platform. Heck, it’s even there in the title.

What that means is that you use Clickfunnels to build sales funnels. There’s a couple extras thrown in there like some basic website building and email marketing, but the main push of Clickfunnels is its drag-and-drop builder for funnels.

And there’s no denying the popularity of Clickfunnels – it went from startup to $30 million in revenue in only 2 years. So it’s very clear that plenty of people have found the software useful…

But here’s the thing.

High Level does EVERYTHING that Clickfunnel can do… and much, much more.

What is Go High Level?

What is Go High Level?

You see, GoHighLevel was created to be an all-in-one CRM solution for marketing agencies, effectively replacing the dozens of software packages that these agencies use, programs like:

  • Mailchimp
  • Pipeline
  • Hubspot
  • SalesForce
  • Woodpecker
  • Calendly

And among many others, you guessed it – Clickfunnels.

Go High Level lets you build higher quality sales funnels, and you can even import your funnels from Clickfunnels to the GHL system.

So, in terms of building sales funnels…

High Level is clearly better than Clickfunnels.

However, you might expect that with so many added features, surely GoHighLevel would be more expensive than Clickfunnels, right?

We’ll cover pricing for the two funnel builders later in this review, but we’ll just say right now that you might be surprised when you get to that part. As you’re reading, make a guess at how much Clickfunnels and High Level cost and then check the pricing section to see if you’re right.

Well, we’ll get to pricing in a bit, but first let’s talk more about quality…

Clickfunnels or Go High Level – Which One is Best for MARKETERS?

Note: If you’re a small business owner and just looking for an easy answer about which sales funnel builder to use, skip this review section and go straight to the next one: High Level or Clickfunnels – Which One is Best for Small Business Owners?

As a marketer, there’s a good chance you’ve been using Clickfunnels for years, as well as many of the other programs listed above…

And probably spending $1000+ on your whole CRM stack, which can take a big bite out of your profits. But putting the money aside for the moment (read the GoHighLevel vs. Clickfunnels Pricing section further down in this article), which is better from a quality perspective?

The answer really is a no-brainer.

What You Get With Clickfunnels and GoHighLevel

With Clickfunnels, you get a sales funnel builder. Period.

And with High Level, you get a sales funnel builder PLUS all of these benefits:

  • Robust email marketing
  • SMS marketing
  • Outbound calling and call tracking
  • Online reputation management
  • Bookings and appointments
  • Full calendar integration
  • Analytics reporting
  • Call tracking
  • Pipeline management
  • Link building and task automation
  • Conversion rate optimization
  • A full-featured CRM

However, there’s even more icing on the cake and it’s…

GoHighLevel’s Gift to Marketing Agencies

As mentioned before, Go High Level was created as an all-in-one tool for marketers, and that means that several interesting features were added specifically for them.

Whitelabeled CRM

First and foremost, the whole software package can be whitelabeled. That means that your agency puts its own logo on the software, and when one of your clients accesses their personal dashboard, it gives the impression of a proprietary CRM.

And it’s not only the software that can be whitelabeled. Your agency can also choose to whitelabel a mobile app with a custom Zapier integration that your clients will use to access a branded dashboard.

Sub Accounts

Marketers using High Level can also (and almost certainly will) create Sub Accounts for each client. These Sub Accounts make organizing clients a snap and allows your agency to keep each client’s account separate and protected.


With Snapshots, your agency will be able to transfer individual elements of a sales funnel or marketing campaign seamlessly between client Sub Account. This makes it incredibly easy to quickly develop a new campaign for a client using existing assets.

Unified Communications

Unlike Clickfunnels, which is limited to email, Go High Level sports a wide array of communication options to increase engagement and gain more touches. With GHL, you can use email, live phone calls, voicemail drops, and SMS texts to enhance your marketing reach.

Now, just imagine that your marketing agency is making a big push to get new clients in the automotive repair industry…

For each client that signs up, you assign them their own Sub Account dashboard with your agency branding. Furthermore, you can use a single website template, sales funnel, and email marketing campaign as a base and then copy that base to every subsequent automotive repair client with a few short clicks, saving you a ton of time and effort.

Feature-Rich Go High Level Destroys One-Note Clickfunnels

So, in basic terms of what you can do with the software, there’s really no comparison…

High Level’s features tower above those of Clickfunnels…

And it’s not even close.

But what about if you’re a business owner? One of the main selling points of Clickfunnel is that its simplicity makes it easy for business owners to build out an effective funnel from scratch.

Do all the extra features of Go High Level make it harder for a non-marketer to use?

High Level or Clickfunnels – Which One is Best for BUSINESS OWNERS?

As a business owner, you’ve realized that using sales funnels will help you:

  • Generate new leads
  • Qualify and nurture those leads
  • Increase your conversion rate
  • Maximize your marketing ROI

And most importantly, turn those leads into actual paying customers.

But which software should you use? You know that you don’t want to commit your energy to a certain platform only to discover that it doesn’t really fit your needs.

And in the case of a Clickfunnels vs. GoHighLevel review, you might be thinking that the latter is more than you’ll ever use, which is a valid concern.

Sure, High Level was designed for marketing agencies, but the sales funnel builder aspect of the software is separated, which means that if you don’t want to use the many other marketing tools, it’s perfectly ok – you don’t have to.

Future-Proofing with Clickfunnels and GoHighLevel

However, and this is a big however, what if you decide in the future that you do want to add in SMS marketing, automated responses, and move towards a full-featured CRM?

Well, with Clickfunnels, you’re going to find other software to do the job. On the other hand, if you choose Go High Level, then that functionality is already there – all you have to do is start using it.

Even for business owners, High Level is still the better choice. You get the same intuitive, easy-to-use sales funnel builder as Clickfunnels, but with a TON of other functions should you need them later in your marketing efforts.

That leaves us with one other major thing to talk about – the cost.

How do Go High Level and Clickfunnels stack up in terms of price?

Let’s take a look, shall we?

GoHighLevel vs. Clickfunnels Pricing

By now, you’re likely wondering how much it’s going to cost to get started with either Clickfunnels or GoHighLevel…

And the answer may surprise you – the price is exactly the same. But the value they offer is VERY different.

High Level and Clickfunnels Entry Level Pricing

The bottom level tier for both programs is $97/month, which is priced to be accessible for business owners. At this tier, Clickfunnels and High Level will give you access to a multi-featured sales funnel builder, basic website building, and limited email marketing.

But where Clickfunnels stops at these standard features, Go High Level goes quite a bit further, adding:

  • SMS marketing
  • Automated scheduling
  • Voicemail drops
  • Online appointment booking
  • Calendar sync
  • Online payments
  • Reputation management
  • Scheduled messaging
  • Detailed reports

So for the same base level price of $97/month, you could either have a sales funnel builder OR a sales funnel builder with everything else you need to improve your marketing.

We recommend this bottom tier of Go High Level over Clickfunnels for business owners and marketers working with a single account.

Advanced Clickfunnels and GoHighLevel Pricing

If you’re a professional marketer, then the next tier for both Clickfunnels and High Level is $297/month. And it’s the same situation – Clickfunnels gives you the basics, but Go High Level really pushes the envelope with a feature-packed marketing CRM solution, including the following features:

  • Whitelabeled CRM
  • Sub Accounts
  • Snapshots
  • Unified Communications

Considering that many marketers are paying $1000+  in monthly fees for a wide range of different software solutions that don’t work together well, this single marketing platform will let you…

  • Ditch many of your recurring subscriptions
  • Streamline your workflow
  • Save you 70% of your monthly software costs

And Go High Level doesn’t stop there.

One of the killer features of GHL for marketing agencies is that for an extra $497/month, you can whitelabel your own mobile app, putting your own branding on the individual dashboards that your clients will use.

Clickfunnels and Go High Level Review Takeaway

Whether you’re a business owner or a professional marketer, there really is no comparison between High Level and Clickfunnels in this review. In short, for the exact same price…

Go High Level does everything Clickfunnels can do and much, much more.

So if you’re searching for an easy way to…

  • Create sales funnels
  • Incorporate them into your marketing repertoire
  • Automate your workflow
  • Integrate bookings and appointments with your calendar
  • Gain a better conversion rate
  • And maximize your marketing ROI

Then GoHighLevel is the clear winner.

But instead of taking our word for it, why not check out High Level for yourself?

FREE 14-day trial of Go High Level

All new GHL accounts receive a free, 14-day trial, which gives you plenty of time to explore all the value-packed features that High Level has to offer. Both the $97 and $297 tiers are available for this free two week trial…

And if you’ve been using Clickfunnels but have outgrown their capabilities, remember that you can import all your funnels directly to Go High Level with a few quick clicks during your trial.

Once you’ve experienced firsthand the many ways that GoHighLevel will streamline and automate your workflow, saving you time, effort, and money…

While at the same time generating new sales for your business or your clients, we’re sure you’ll agree that… 

High Level is truly a better solution than Clickfunnels.

Click here to claim your GoHighLevel’s 14-day free trial.

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This site is not a part of the GoHighLevel website or HighLevel, LLC. Additionally, this site is not endorsed by GoHighLevel in any way. GoHighLevel is a trademark of HighLevel, LLC